1984 AMRCA Nationals Race Report
Tarentun, Pennsylvania
August 16, 17, 18


The 1984 Nationals should be remembered as the most socially successful race in our history. Yes, our speeds were a little slow, but - so what?? The Seretta track site is one of the most beautiful in the world. I just hope everyone found their way home. Maybe we should take a roll call and send a rescue team if anyone is missing.

To save space and a great deal of writing - PLEASE read the entry list to find the people deserving our thanks for all their help in running the race, working on the track and especially being a group of fine Ladies and Gentlemen. I'm sure Phil will list the committees elsewhere. We should mention our appreciation to Jim and Seretta for their wonderful hospitality, especially Jim's tremendous effort on the track, the banquet at Seretta's club and the hosting of the General Meeting at Jim's house. Also, a Gold Medal for the fast time of the race. (won by Joe Shelton the old Pro). Certainly last but not least we thank Bill Pistoll and EMRCA for being the host club and supplying the trophies and Ribbons.

The next exciting event was to be the - "Mini Nats II" at Anderson, Ind. on September 2nd. This was a pleasant surprise to all of us and turned out to be the biggest Anderson Club Race in many years. How about it Phil? - Have you recovered yet? We also enjoyed the Cocktail Party hosted by Jill and Phil in their new home.

Looks like I have my work cut out, when I volunteered to re-write a new set of rules, (to be voted on later), and set up drawings for track construction. This should keep me out of trouble for a while. I would like to repeat my request that we all give Bill Pistoll every bit of help possible, with the track rebuilding at Perkasie. Each one of you must know what you are able to do, - so PLEASE DO IT! - if you love this hobby - DO IT!

I have written Bengt Abrahamson WMCR President regarding the cable change - Please see copy elsewhere in the Newsletter, as per discussion at the General Meeting in August.

Back to my workbench -- ************************************FRY****************************************